Saturday, 15 December 2012

Baby It's Cold Outside

...and inside! Holy moley. Our cute little home has no heating and it's much colder this year than last! Fortunately I have many twinkly lights, beautiful blankets and cozy hot water bottles to keep me warm. That's not to say i'm not freezing my tush off though ;)

England's weather is so unpredictable. As I live on a peninsula we pretty much have our own little micro climate - this usually means we don't get snow, but this winter is so consistently cold I really have my fingers crossed for a white Christmas :). Do you live somewhere with really cold winters? Do you have any tips to keep warm indoors?

I went to bed very excited a few days ago, I was certain I would wake up to thick snow. I tidied everywhere up and tucked myself into bed with an extra pair of socks on. I woke up early the next morning to the teeniest sprinkle of snow, but the most beautiful frosted morning I have ever seen. I'm so sad I didn't have the time to take a picture (running late for work eek!). The view outside our window is mostly houses and it just didn't do it justice. Around the corner we have a sweet little golf course and it was breathtaking all white!

I need to take more time out of my life to capture great photographs. This is going to be top of my 2013 list I reckon.



  1. No heat?! Wow, you are brave! We get a few months of snow here, and it's all about layers and the free heat in our apartment haha

    Love the lights on your bed :)

    1. Yes I can't say it's much fun having no heat ha! Ohh you're so lucky to have great snow! When we do get it it's usually just slush. Thanks, they're pretty sweet :)

  2. Aww I love moments like these, where you get all tucked in and wake up to something exciting! :) Happy new year!!


    1. Some of the best moments in life :) Thank you! Happy New Year :) xx

  3. Hey, just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for an award in my blog :)
    You can check out the post and details here:
    Love your blog!


    1. Ohhhhh thank you so much!! I will hop over and look :) thank you xxxx

  4. I love the Photography, the second one is beautifully grainy, yet so cosy :)

    1. Thank you so much :) It's pretty difficult to get decent pictures on my iPhone during these dark months!
