Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The Absolute Best Dress Ever!

Oh my gosh. Would you look at this dress?! I bought it in the ModCloth autumn sale a few weeks ago. It was the first thing I had bought from them and I was SO excited. I have a wishlist with about 300 things on (yeah I can dream) but as I live in England I was a little worried about postage etc. Plus a lot of the things I like are a weeee bit pricey... But! Here is my beautiful Emily & Fin dress and I love love love it! It has pockets! Is there anything better than a dress with pockets?! It came in the loveliest packaging too. It is such beautiful material and the perfect fit. I love everything about it. Unfortunately it sold out so I can't link you to it, however this dress by E&F is the same shape/style and also super cute!

Did you get anything in the sale? Do you have a perfect dress?

Ooh, and if you haven't already - check out the After Glow app! Really great lomography image styles.



  1. It looks great on you! I bought a cute pair of wedges from them, and I'm so excited to get them in the mail. Your blog is adorable, by the way, and I'm so envious you're living in England above a bakery. Sounds like the life!


    1. Thank you! Ooh I could have spent a fortune! I just loved everything. Hope your wedges come soon! And thank you again, it can be pretty sweet :)

  2. ahhh your blog is super cute!!!! seriously, you can't go wrong with a dress that has pockets & afterglow is about my favourite app everrrrrrr.

    1. Thanks Stephanie! Yep even an ugly dress has potential if there's pockets ;) I am sooo loving Afterglow! My fave photo app yet I think! :D xxx

  3. That dress is so cute! I'm still looking for my perfect dress!


  4. Shut up, this is so cute! I didn't get anything off the Modcloth sale this go-round, but I have in the past (to mixed results!)

    -Sara, Road to the Heart

    1. Thanks Sara! I have to admit I was certainly worried it would turn up and either I wouldn't like it or it wouldn't fit! Sending a parcel back to America was not something I was looking forward to. So happy I love it :) I adore everything ModCloth - I just wish it was a little cheaper!
