Monday, 19 November 2012

Polka Dots

I've been wondering for a while what I could do to spruce up our little bedroom. There is no space to add any furniture, and not really any room to put anything pretty on the dressing table! We need to repaint the room white, as it is currently a shade of nasty cream. Unfortunately the lady who leased the place before us smoked a lot. Thankfully the smell went quite quickly! With no room to add anything further, I've been trying to think of something a little special to do - and I think this is it! I love polka dots. Don't they just instantly make you happy? Simple and beautiful. With a little more art on the opposite wall, a new lightshade (I have a great DIY coming up for this!) and a wee bit of spray paint... We will have a lovely, cozy bedroom :)

Do you have any decorating tips for small spaces? 


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