Sunday, 6 March 2016

A Bit More.

A bit more of a bit less? I think I am still putting off blogging regularly because I thought it a giant task to get all the pictures right, then off my phone, then write a good post... But I enjoy posting here! So for now, here is a bit more of a bit less. Smaller more regular posts. Sometimes maybe just photographs. Sometimes maybe more.

Quick update? The bus is almost ready. We had our first (VERY soggy) day trip last week and it was so fun! We packed a picnic and decided to head out to Anglesey - except the rain was so bad we were worried we may just blow off the bridge! It would be safer for our first proper outing if we went somewhere a little closer, so tootled off to Delamere forest. We had an awesome little adventure! The bed is still being fixed so we can't stay away yet...but soon we will be ready!

In the meantime, I am dreaming of waking up next to the beach and spending long summer days in the sea. 

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